The number of US-listed exchange traded products (ETPs) grew by nine in July, a slower pace than the increase of 13 in the prior month. The total value of shares traded declined -10.3% to $1.346 trillion from $1.5 trillion in June. August often has the lightest volume of the year, so the total traded value is likely to drop again in our next report.
July brought the introduction of 10 new ETFs, while just one was shuttered. The total number of listed products at the end of July stood at 852 (768 ETFs and 84 ETNs), seven more than where we started the year.
July 2009 Month End | ETFs | ETNs | Total |
Currently Listed U.S. | 768 | 84 | 852 |
Listed as of 12/31/2008 | 760 | 85 | 845 |
New Introductions for Month | 10 | 0 | 10 |
Delistings/Closures for Month | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Net Change for Month | +9 | 0 | +9 |
New Introductions YTD | 53 | 3 | 56 |
Delistings/Closures YTD | 45 | 4 | 49 |
Net Change YTD | +8 | -1 | +7 |
On Deathwatch at End of Month | 105 | 37 | 142 |
% on Deathwatch | 13.7% | 44.1% | 16.7% |
Notes: The ETF counts include MacroShares, which technically are not ETFs. The quantity of new introductions and closings do not include the XGC extreme makeover in July.
New products launched in July (sorted by launch date):
- First Trust NASDAQ ABA Community Bank Index Fund (QABA) (article)
- Javelin Dow Jones Islamic Market International Index Fund (JVS) (article)
- ProShares Ultra Russell3000 (UWC) (article on UWC and TWQ)
- ProShares UltraShort Russell3000 (TWQ)
- ALPS Equal Weight Sector ETF (EQL) (article)
- ProShares Credit Suisse 130/30 Large-Cap Index ETF (CSM) (article)
- DirexionShares Daily Real Estate Bull 3x Shares (DRN) (article on DRN and DRV)
- DirexionShares Daily Real Estate Bear 3x Shares (DRV)
- EGS DJ Emerging Markets Titans Composite Index Fund (EEG) (article)
- ETFS Silver Trust (SIVR) (article)
Delisted in July:
AirShares EU Carbon Allowances Fund (ASO) (article)
Extreme Makeovers in July:
Claymore/Great Companies Large-Cap Growth Index ETF (XGC) became Claymore/BNY Mellon International Small Cap LDRs ETF (XGC) (article)