The ETF/ETN industry’s explosive growth the last few years has outpaced the availability of complete, standardized data. Unaware of potentially superior products, investors often make uninformed advertising-driven choices.
Every year the ETF jungle grows denser and murkier. Blazing a trail through this wilderness is a daunting task.
Accepting this challenge, Invest With An Edge is proud to announce our new ETF Field Guide. We believe it will be the ETF investor’s essential guide to success. This 76-page downloadable publication features categorized listings of 1,476 ETFs and ETNs available to U.S. investors as of this year’s midpoint. Each entry includes key information on performance, risk, liquidity, tax reporting, and more.
Products are listed in sections including:
- Style & Strategy
- Sector
- International & Global
- Bond & Fixed Income
- Commodity
- Currency
- Leveraged & Inverse
- Volatility
Each section is further categorized to allow quick comparison of similar products. Data points for each product include:
- Expense ratio
- Estimated yield
- Total Return (3-month, 12-month, 3-year and 5-year)
- Standard Deviation
- Worst Drawdown
- Beta vs S&P 500
- Average Daily Share Volume
- Average Daily $ Value Traded
- Assets under Management
- Tax Reporting Method (1099 vs K-1)
- No Transaction Fee (NTF) program participation
- Inception Date
The ETF Field Guide also identifies actively-managed products as well as “broken” products to avoid. Invest With An Edge editor Ron Rowland and his team add an extraordinary touch by awarding over 40 “blue star” designations for top products.
Sample Page
Readers should also note that the ETF Field Guide contains no advertising and the publisher accepts no compensation from ETF sponsors or issuers. The data is completely unbiased and curries no favorites. Our only responsibility is to the investing public.